Service From the Heart is Universal

May 28, 2014

Dear Friends of Full Access:

We recently had two guests in our home from Pakistan, who were in Oregon for a special program sponsored by the U.S. Embassy in Islamabad and delivered by Mobility International: USA.   These women with and without disabilities in leadership positions have been changing the face of women’s rights in Pakistan, and shared their expertise, efforts and experiences with the U.S. community in Eugene from May 8-22, 2014.  The program was designed to build the capacity of women leaders to promote the inclusion of women and girls with disabilities in the mainstream women’s rights movement, as well as the disability rights movement, in Pakistan.


Delegation of women from Pakistan sharing their stories

Our two guests were Najma Shakur and Saira Shams.  Even though we are from vastly different cultures and locations, we found much in common personally and in our commitments to advocacy and service.  We also discovered how differences are easily worked through with enough communication and a bit of patience.  Often times Saira served as our translator, since she speaks three languages including English!  In addition to that, we used our body language a lot more, looked things up on the internet together and used the tools MIUSA provided for communicating.  We sure enjoyed the conversations, sharing meals, and driving around sharing our community.  I especially appreciated Najma’s gift of making a traditional Pakistani supper one night!


Najma (on the left) and Saira at our home

There was so much I valued in this experience that relates to my work at Full Access.  Saira and Najma work tirelessly to ensure people with disabilities and others are fully included in their communities and important decision making for the future of their Country.  One of Saira’s goals is to be a member of Parliament, and I am convinced she will achieve that!

Najma is the Founder/President of the Women Welfare Organization Poonch (WWOP).  She founded this organization in 1995. The mission of WWOP, a grassroots women’s organization, is to enable and assist marginalized, underprivileged, and underserved populations to achieve their development goals and rights in society. As the President, Najma oversees program development and management, and spearheads initiatives to ensure that women with disabilities are included in her organization’s programs and activities. Currently, WWOP is working on policy reform for inclusive education in the AJK province, and conducting a research and advocacy project on education for people with disabilities with a specific focus on continuing education opportunities for girls with disabilities.

Saira Shams is the Coordinator of Women with Disabilities Group, Special Abilities Development Association (SADA).  This organization is a disability rights organization focusing on advocacy, awareness campaigns on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), and policy reform. In her role, Saira networks and mobilizes community members and educates the public on the rights of women with disabilities through radio and TV talk show.   It is quite obvious she has the energy and charisma for her public role!

Pakistani guests getting a tour of the Full Access offices with CEO, Margaret Theisen

Pakistani guests getting a tour of the Full Access offices with CEO, Margaret Theisen

When listening to anyone’s story, it is an opportunity to discover how apparent differences can become strengths.   In a short visit with these two women leaders, it gave me such inspiration for the work we do.  Whatever the struggles or challenges, it’s important to notice the bigger and broader picture.  And also, the deeply personal journey each of us has in our work toward justice.